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June 3, 2016

What Does Your Employee Retention Capability say About You?

Whilst many more people are branching out on their own; the majority continue to work for someone else. And that puts the responsibility for employee retention squarely on the employer’s shoulders. And as the business grows, it’s easy to lose sight of what the company is trying to achieve. This […]
May 20, 2016

Technical or Tactical Development: Which Approach is Best?

It depends on the current reality – what’s working and why you think you might be falling short. I was listening to pundits explain why Andy Murray might struggle to become the world’s number one tennis player and consistently beat the other three players in the category they call ‘the […]
May 14, 2016

Lack Time for Personal Development? Don’t be a one Trick Pony!

Having just spent three days immersed in a programme of personal and professional development, along with some fascinating people; I came away full of ideas on multiple levels. For example, I’ve been thinking about how I could incorporate elements of the learning into my client work; and reflecting on which […]
May 7, 2016

Missed out on Success? Second Chances are all Around You!

Researching the latest thinking around resilience in leadership has caused me to consider the sorts of situations that require a resilient mentality; and how many of those situations are dependent on the mindset of the individuals experiencing them. So, if I asked you to name your three greatest ‘failures’, would […]
April 30, 2016

To Niche or not to Niche: That is the Question

…And an interesting one at that. My observation is that we need to do both. Here’s how I’ve arrived at that conclusion. One of the most difficult challenges for talented people, who are trying to make their mark in life, is how to set themselves apart from their competitors. Many […]
April 22, 2016

Consider Yourself a Great Leader? Then you Must be Boring!

There’s a balance to be had between setting the business direction and interfering with progress. How do I know? Because I’ve witnessed ‘visionary’ leaders get carried away with their story, to the point where they become a liability to business growth. The strength in being able to ‘sell the dream’ […]
April 14, 2016

Employee Behaviours you Wouldn’t Want on Public Record? Here’s What to do About it!

Stood in a queue at the local Post Office I read the following sign: ABUSIVE BEHAVIOUR We work hard to provide you with an excellent service and deserve to be treated with respect. Neither we nor our customers are here to be verbally or physically abused. Anti-social behaviour will not […]
April 8, 2016

Leadership is About Relationship Management – True or False?

This was a question I asked a group of final year and post graduate students when running a session on Inspirational Leadership. Whilst the majority recognised this statement as true; a few saw it differently. They felt that if leadership is about relationship management, then that’s too much to think […]
April 1, 2016

Simple Advice for Getting Ahead

Watching a tennis player applauded off court by the world’s number one is not something I’ve seen before. Novak Djokovic was clearly impressed with the way Kyle Edmund – one of our rising British tennis players – performed against him. No surprise that Edmund was beaten. Everyone expected him to […]
March 25, 2016

Mindfulness or Mindlessness? They are two Sides of the Same Coin!

Does anyone remember Doodle Art? I had a fabulous one with a Greek Mythology theme when I was growing up. It was huge and took up half my bedroom wall. I used to love colouring in the different mythological creatures – often when I should have been revising – and […]
March 18, 2016

Clear About the Company Culture? As MD You’re Under the Microscope!

Having worked for numerous CEOs and MDs in the past, I learned never to underestimate their role in shaping organisational culture; not least because people will fill in the blanks when left to their own devices. I witnessed the immense impact that a heart-felt congratulatory message could have on employee […]
March 10, 2016

Easy Like Sunday Morning? Then You’re Doing What Comes Naturally

We all hit roadblocks from time to time; particularly if we choose to take the scenic route. How you work around them is also a matter of choice. Here are three possible approaches for removing these obstacles: MINIMISE THE LEVERAGE: What you don’t consciously want; but are compelled to do […]
March 3, 2016

Have an Elephant Goal in Mind? You Need to Know the Point!

Once upon a time, I met a guy called Daniel. He worked for a railway service provider and aspired to have a PhD. In fact, what he really wanted was to be known as Dr Dan! PhDs are impressive; at least the people who acquire them are. Can you imagine […]
February 26, 2016

Saving Time With a Second-Hand Read

Reading is good; it feeds the soul. I’ve determined to do way more of it this year; I even compiled a book list. This incurred no expense whatsoever; I have to hand a vast array of books that had once fuelled enough interest for me to purchase them. Through a […]
February 19, 2016

When you CAN Have Your Cake and eat it…

Just because I have no aspirations to appear on ‘The Great British Bake off’ doesn’t mean I can’t make a perfectly good cake! Everyone will sit down and enjoy a slice and say ‘that was a lovely cake’… …An extract from a discussion about outside interests. My version of that […]