Missed out on Success? Second Chances are all Around You!

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Missed out on Success? Second Chances are all Around You!

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Researching the latest thinking around resilience in leadership has caused me to consider the sorts of situations that require a resilient mentality; and how many of those situations are dependent on the mindset of the individuals experiencing them.

So, if I asked you to name your three greatest ‘failures’, would you have to spend a long time deliberating or do they spill onto the page without a moment’s hesitation?

Being able to identify at least three is evidence that we’ve stretched ourselves enough; and that we’re not afraid to take risks. It suggests that we’re likely to value the benefits of messing up and that we have the courage to acknowledge we don’t know it all.

Remember, we all make mistakes and it’s important to recognise them and to learn from the experience. Repeating the same blunder isn’t cool and does nothing to enhance our employability.

Here are five suggestions for handling disappointments in a constructive way:

REFLECT ON THE SITUATION: Evaluate what you could have done better and identify the lessons to be learned.

TAKE A GENUINE PERSPECTIVE: Each disappointment provides an opportunity to look again at what is working and what isn’t; who you can trust and who is a liability.

TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS: Based on your disappointments, you will be better equipped to navigate new situations and make better decisions.

RECOGNISE FAILURE AS FEEDBACK: Rather than taking it personally, see it as a wake-up call for the next opportunity. Always remember that with disappointment comes opportunity.

BE A LEADER: Consider your impact on those around you; people are always watching. Your attitude towards disappointment and how you move forward from it will influence how those around you act on the challenges facing them.

Understanding why things went pear-shaped is often a precursor to realising that you weren’t that far away from success. Knowing that makes it easier to overcome adversity and realise your ambitions.

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Robyn Robertson

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