Executive Breakthrough

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May 12, 2017

Start a Task and Lose Personal Motivation? Here’s how to Follow Through!

A perceived lack of time usually results in a lack of personal motivation. General ‘busyness’ stops us from getting things done; specifically those tasks that we see as important. Let’s take reading as a case in point. Indeed, there are a lot of leadership books in my office ‘library’. I […]
March 21, 2017

When Business Growth Scuppers Exemplary Leadership

Exemplary leadership isn’t about doing everything yourself. You’re busy, working flat out and at times meeting yourself coming backwards. I get that. Or maybe you believe you’re best placed to be out on the road. Since closing deals or serving customers brings some satisfaction. And at least you’re acting on […]
January 20, 2017

Abi Humayun’s Story – Executive Breakthrough (2016)

“Your differentiator as a coach Robyn is the ability to talk to you about all areas of life; not just work, because these days work and life aren’t necessarily separated.” I feel like today has closed a chapter for me; a very hard chapter and I want to maintain this […]
August 28, 2012

Charlotte Gallagher’s Story: Executive Breakthrough (2012)

“I want to thank Robyn for a truly inspiring Executive Breakthrough day. I had been putting this off for some time as there was always something more important than my own development to focus on. Now I wish I had done this ages ago!” I learned a lot about myself […]
July 28, 2009

Alan Jones’ Story – Executive Breakthrough (2009)

“At the point where I first spoke to Robyn I’d had some experience of coaching, but it had been in a context that hadn’t really worked for me, and I was rather sceptical about what value it might offer me now.” Nevertheless, Robyn and I spoke for about 45 minutes, […]