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January 20, 2017

Abi Humayun’s Story – Executive Breakthrough (2016)

“Your differentiator as a coach Robyn is the ability to talk to you about all areas of life; not just work, because these days work and life aren’t necessarily separated.” I feel like today has closed a chapter for me; a very hard chapter and I want to maintain this […]
October 28, 2016

Physician, Heal Thyself. How’s That Working out for You?

Whenever I raise a question or express uncertainty in my own life, some friends (not all) will say “Well you should know, you’re the coach” – helpful, not. There seems to be an underlying assumption that my role is to listen and offer insight to their narrative; whereas, in my […]
January 22, 2015

Executive Coach: A Source of Inspiration or Embarrassment?

We make life hard for ourselves in this country, with our ‘stiff upper lip’ approach to business. Your typical Managing Director will soldier on alone, thinking they are supposed to have all the answers and perceiving outside help as weak; whereas, they adopt a different attitude in the States. Regardless […]
June 14, 2014

Ever Dare to be Different? Go on, Give it a Try!

There have been a lot of raised eyebrows this week at the appointment of a female coach by Britain’s number one tennis player, Andy Murray. It would appear he is the first leading player to do so and when asked what his peer group thought of his appointment he declared, […]
March 29, 2014

Goals are for Setting and Forgetting

Given that I coach for a living, you might expect me to be passionate about goal setting and I am; just not the kind of goal setting that limits opportunities. You know the kind I mean: where you set your sights on something and remain so focused on the destination […]
February 5, 2013

Happier People Achieve More! How Much More Productive Could You Be?

When I was asked to give a talk on ‘learning how to be happy whilst pursuing what you want’ I thought the timing was apt, given that we were still early on into a new calendar year. An interesting topic, it is much more positive than a pep talk on setting and […]