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March 27, 2015

Questioning Whether You’re Leadership Material? You Need to Care About People!

Sitting with a senior management team this week, we were talking about the relationship dynamics between certain individuals and the best way to address the impact that conflict was having on the organisation. Inevitably the conversation turned to leadership behaviours (or lack of them); the need to raise individual awareness […]
March 20, 2015

Education is the key to Freedom!

One of the mantras my mother used when we were growing up. She convinced me (my sister less so) that a formal education and the resulting qualifications were important. I dutifully obliged and it certainly gave me a good footing on the career ladder and a mindset that means I […]
March 14, 2015

All Work and no Play? Who’s This Jack Character Anyway!

I used to joke about the number of times I’d miss out on a family function or a night out with friends on the basis that I still had work to do at the office. Let’s face it, when do we ever roll into work at 11am on a Monday […]
March 5, 2015

Want to Take a Seat on the Throne? Management Succession is Anything but a Game!

Management succession done well is an objective exercise. And it puts the needs of the organisation on a par with individual aspiration. Leaning too far in either direction will inhibit progress and can negatively impact long-term business success. Having watched every season of Game of Thrones on TV, I find […]
February 27, 2015

How Good are you at Self-Promotion? Make Sure you Live up to Expectations!

Looking forward to a one day ‘Train the Trainer’ programme I’d booked to attend, I was brimming with enthusiasm and imagining the many different ways I would be able to use the material with clients. The end product turned out to be a let-down. The content wasn’t the issue; it […]
February 20, 2015

Good at Multi-Tasking? Some Things Call for Your Full Attention!

In having a debate about ‘Leadership’ with colleagues and what it is and isn’t; I was introduced to the concept of ‘Continuous Partial Attention’; a term coined by Linda Stone in 1998. My first thought was that this is the same as multi-tasking but apparently not. When we multi-task we […]
February 7, 2015

Ever a Place for Office R.O.M.A.N.C.E? Seven Golden Rules to get it Right!

If you’ve ever engaged in a workplace romance (or worked in Human Resources and had to deal with the fallout) you will know that they are great fun whilst they’re going well and can be a career disaster when it all goes horribly wrong. So, how can you ensure your […]
January 30, 2015

What’s the Biggest Drain on Employee Resilience? It may not be what you Think!

An article in Coaching at Work caught my eye. Reporting on a recent study about employee resilience at work, the authors were taken aback by their findings. They had expected ‘the volume and pace of work’ to be the main issue. It turns out that the biggest energy drain for […]
January 22, 2015

Executive Coach: A Source of Inspiration or Embarrassment?

We make life hard for ourselves in this country, with our ‘stiff upper lip’ approach to business. Your typical Managing Director will soldier on alone, thinking they are supposed to have all the answers and perceiving outside help as weak; whereas, they adopt a different attitude in the States. Regardless […]
January 15, 2015

Are you Feeling Courageous? Time to Specialise and Let Go of the Rest!

As a Human Resources Director in a previous life, I was interested to read an article proposing that the HR department as we know it should be scrapped. The author’s suggestion is to split HR into two separate functions; one focused on administration and reporting to the Chief Financial Officer […]
January 9, 2015

Don’t Tell me on a Sunday…

A colleague commented to me that I’m untypical of other business owners they know in my ability to switch off from work, whether that’s at the weekend or whilst on holiday. We were talking about email marketing and the fact that I dislike it landing in my mailbox at all […]
December 23, 2014

Do you Know what Success looks like? Remember, it’s Different for Everyone!

Having just finished watching the latest season of The Apprentice it was evident throughout that the winner is a good salesman and that he has the determination to succeed. Lord Sugar said on numerous occasions throughout the process that he’s in it to make money and doesn’t plan on being […]
December 18, 2014

Do a lot of Faffing? Conscious Distractions are good for you!

I’m working with a young client at the moment who knows ‘what he wants to be when he grows up’. What he struggles with is the motivation to sit at a computer for longer than 15 minutes at a time without getting fed up. Before he knows it he’s looking […]
December 13, 2014

Experienced any Disappointments this year? Turn them into Opportunities!

Some people take the view that what’s done is done; no point raking over the past. This can be a helpful attitude to have when we’ve experienced some adversity and we want to move forward. To adopt this approach as a mantra for life however, is to miss an opportunity […]
November 19, 2014

Rushing to Action, Slowly…

An expression used by a client recently when acknowledging that an important job wasn’t getting done. It’s a great way to explain what happens when we recognise the need to take action and, for whatever reason, we show a reluctance to crack on and complete the task. In this case […]