Business Owners

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January 9, 2015

Don’t Tell me on a Sunday…

A colleague commented to me that I’m untypical of other business owners they know in my ability to switch off from work, whether that’s at the weekend or whilst on holiday. We were talking about email marketing and the fact that I dislike it landing in my mailbox at all […]
February 7, 2014

This is Business! What has Love got to do with it?

In a recent interview I read with George Clooney, he said “Anyone would be lying if they said they didn’t get lonely at times. I’ve been infinitely more alone in a bad relationship; there’s nothing more isolating.” He was talking about personal relationships and I think the same can be […]
October 20, 2013

Who Wields the Branding Iron? It Should be You!

It’s interesting that as business professionals, we wouldn’t question the need for employers to develop a corporate identity and brand.  Most of us recognise the importance of having a shop window and unless you work for a high street retailer that’s usually a website. As customers we want to browse […]