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September 2, 2016

Want to Foster Higher Performance? You Need to Show Your Support!

Sitting across from an employee, clearly distressed by the notion that his job was at risk, he exclaimed “Why are you being confrontational?” Shocked by his response I explained that by giving him all the facts I was supporting him in making an informed choice about the best way to […]
March 7, 2014

Perceived a Putdown? Look for the Compliment!

It took me quite a while to learn how to accept compliments gracefully. My instinctive response would go something like this: “Oh, this old thing, I’ve had it about 20 years” or “No need to thank me, it was nothing” or “Don’t mention it. Anyone could have done that” In […]
February 28, 2014

Practice what you Preach!

Like the Cobbler with no shoes, I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of imparting pearls of wisdom to others and ignoring our own advice. Well, today I’m making a point of practising what I preach and keeping this communication succinct! Here are five principles that if followed will get the […]