“The discussions I’ve had with Robyn and the work I’ve done with her prepared me for things I didn’t know were coming. When I reflected back on how I’d managed to lead the company through a difficult situation and what had prepared me for it, I put an awful lot of that down to the work I’ve done with Robyn over the years.”

As the MD or CEO you occupy a unique seat at the top of the company hierarchy. Other key challenges specific to you include:

  • Isolation – absence of a peer group to sense check decisions

  • Long-term vision – balancing that with short-term pressures

  • Setting the direction of the business

  • Credibility – respect / consistency / trust of all stakeholders

  • Defining contribution to the organisation – how fit in now and when vision realised

  • Defining leadership style – inspiring your people

CEOs&MDsPack(RobertsonFox)You will recognise the value of having a support mechanism in place and what we have done successfully with other business leaders is to undertake an Executive Breakthrough that will identify untapped business and personal opportunity.

This has profound value for the top leaders within business and is a good starting point to assist MDs and CEOs to move forward, achieve and exceed personal and business oriented goals and ambitions.

*If you would like to know more about the Executive Breakthrough experience and its relevance to your role, complete the form. We will then send you an information pack relevant to your situation.

Alternatively, you can talk to Robyn directly about your role on 0161 866 8573.