Leadership Seminars with a difference…
“Robyn’s I.N.S.P.I.R.I.N.G seminar was something quite different to your usual development sessions, with a tangible return on investment. Furthermore, the format and approach meant I was able to focus on the areas that resonated with me as an individual.”
Personally, I found value in the way the session seems to have permeated into my subconscious. Since we all know what we should be doing Robyn’s approach has acted like a ‘mental tap on the shoulder’. Consequently, this ensured that I translated the learning into practice.
The ‘Personal Brand’ approach has stayed with me. And as a consequence I am more positive, proactive and confident in putting my point across; even in contentious situations.
As a result, the bespoke, individualised report Robyn provided was pitched perfectly and prompted further reflection, learning and action.
Having said all that it is Robyn’s approach and style that really brings the concepts and ideas to life. And the positive, constructive challenge takes you out of your comfort zone into the learning zone. So, you really do get the return on investment, for the time you have spent.
Carol Sheard – Associate Director of HR & OD, Midlands & Lancashire CSU