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June 11, 2016

Think Like an Entrepreneur? Then Your Role Will Have Changed out of Sight!

The vast majority of small businesses – and the people who found them – remain today what they were when they started: jobs for the people who created them. They set themselves up to do what they love (I hope), but have not learned how to build a business; which […]
January 29, 2016

Affected by Outside Influences? It’s all Between the Ears!

It’s exciting to see more young British talent coming through the ranks and now regularly qualifying for the major tennis tournaments. Even more impressive is Johanna Konta’s success at the Australian Open making it all the way to the semi-final before losing to the world #7. Much has been made […]
August 20, 2015

Success is Both Frequent and Fleeting. Make Sure you Notice!

The concept of success comes up a lot in conversation and the more I debate it the more certain I am that it’s a hungry beast; never truly satisfied. With the best of intentions we set goals and objectives; then life gets in the way. It derails our efforts or […]
July 19, 2014

Success is Personal. Claim Yours and Make it Real!

Summer is about to start in earnest for those of you with school-age children. Parent or not, August is a good time to take stock. The sun is shining and people are generally in holiday mode. Even if that’s not the case, we can still piggyback on that band wagon! […]
June 19, 2014

5 Success Measures for Prioritising your Workload

This week I decided to act on one of my previous ‘top tips’ to see what insight that gave me. So, I picked up a book from my bookshelf, as yet unopened, and there are many! I dropped it onto the desk, allowing it to fall open and read only […]
February 21, 2014

Overworked? Less is more!

Imagine this scenario: business is good, enquiries are flowing in, you are running a business (unit) that is experiencing a growth spurt, and all is well in your world, or at least it should be. The reality however is often quite different. Take my client Adam: he loves the business […]
February 7, 2014

This is Business! What has Love got to do with it?

In a recent interview I read with George Clooney, he said “Anyone would be lying if they said they didn’t get lonely at times. I’ve been infinitely more alone in a bad relationship; there’s nothing more isolating.” He was talking about personal relationships and I think the same can be […]
October 13, 2013

Natural Talent: A Blessing or a Curse?

One of my old bosses, CEO of a FTSE 250 Application Software business at the time, believed you could always spot the people who would go on to be successful in their chosen field. He deduced this from their work ethic and attitude towards the job. The ones who will […]
September 17, 2012

Leader or Follower? You need to be good at both!

Are you the person who always ends up taking the initiative, whether it be on team projects, in staff meetings or even at family gatherings, when really you’d prefer to follow someone else’s lead? The reality is that whether you consider yourself to be a leader or a follower, you […]