Niche Positioning

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July 7, 2017

Product Differentiation is More Than the Widgets you Sell!

Ever think of yourself as a product in the business context? Well, you can be a source of product differentiation in the organisation; regardless of position. In fact, you already are, whether you know it or not. I was surprised the first time a student I didn’t know approached me […]
January 27, 2017

Thrown off Your Game? Finding Your Niche is Key!

If finding your niche is a key component of success then Mischa Zverev has the answer. He knows his niche as a tennis pro. Because of his recent performances the tennis world has been buzzing with chatter about the lost art of ‘serve and volley’ tennis. He’s the only male tennis […]
October 24, 2015

Thank you for the Music. One Girl’s Legacy…

The lyrics of this Abba song express a young girl’s gratitude for all the music in the world. It allows her to showcase what she feels is her legacy: the ability to sing beautifully. It’s a simple statement. And it succinctly reflects her natural talent. If you’ve ever taken the […]