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November 12, 2016

Found a Winning Formula? What Worked Yesterday may not Work Tomorrow!

Leadership is not a popularity contest; it’s about our ability to bring out the best in people and there are a myriad of different ways to do that. In fact, there are probably as many permutations as there are people in leadership roles. The danger comes when we adopt an […]
October 15, 2016

Opportunity Knocking? Timing is Key!

In talks with a company that is new to Robertson Fox, it became apparent early on that they have a strong culture of learning and development; not that this should come as a surprise. What I found impressive however, was the Chief Executive Officer’s story. It turns out that after […]
May 7, 2016

Missed out on Success? Second Chances are all Around You!

Researching the latest thinking around resilience in leadership has caused me to consider the sorts of situations that require a resilient mentality; and how many of those situations are dependent on the mindset of the individuals experiencing them. So, if I asked you to name your three greatest ‘failures’, would […]
April 8, 2016

Leadership is About Relationship Management – True or False?

This was a question I asked a group of final year and post graduate students when running a session on Inspirational Leadership. Whilst the majority recognised this statement as true; a few saw it differently. They felt that if leadership is about relationship management, then that’s too much to think […]
August 29, 2015

Hungry to Learn? Your Clients will Benefit!

The longer I’m at this game the more I realise how much there is to learn about my specialist field. Research is being undertaken all the time, spawning new ideas and innovations in leadership; what it means to be an exemplary leader and how that directly impacts business performance. At […]
March 27, 2015

Questioning Whether You’re Leadership Material? You Need to Care About People!

Sitting with a senior management team this week, we were talking about the relationship dynamics between certain individuals and the best way to address the impact that conflict was having on the organisation. Inevitably the conversation turned to leadership behaviours (or lack of them); the need to raise individual awareness […]
February 20, 2015

Good at Multi-Tasking? Some Things Call for Your Full Attention!

In having a debate about ‘Leadership’ with colleagues and what it is and isn’t; I was introduced to the concept of ‘Continuous Partial Attention’; a term coined by Linda Stone in 1998. My first thought was that this is the same as multi-tasking but apparently not. When we multi-task we […]
March 14, 2014

I’ve Started so I’ll Finish!

Have you ever bought a book on someone else’s recommend, only to find it wasn’t the great read you’d been told it would be? Even worse, did you force yourself to read that book from cover to cover because you convinced yourself it might get better? Or maybe you really […]
October 1, 2012

Leadership Development, a Contradiction in Terms?

One of the biggest misconceptions about leadership in my experience is that once you’ve made it into a responsible position you’re supposed to know it all – not only the technical requirements of the role but also the skills to lead a team of people and to know how to […]