Executive Coach

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September 19, 2020

Leading With Vulnerability – Essential or Desirable Trait?

Leading with vulnerability is a competence I’m aware I must display, in my position. If we don’t lead from the front then we’re following someone else’s agenda. Similarly, we’re adopting their values and their leadership style. Or, at the very least we’re not challenging it. To my mind that’s leaving […]
November 18, 2017

Boost Your Inner Confidence With a Can-do Attitude!

CEOs and MDs know how to make decisions. Everyone looks to them for answers and that can be a constant stressor: having to ‘appear’ smart whilst ‘feeling’ dumb. Whilst the outward persona is one of certainty; inwardly the inner confidence is taking a knock. I’m not afraid to ask questions. […]
September 8, 2017

The Overwhelming Temptation to Micro-Manage!

Business leaders are proactive individuals. So, the need to interfere can be compelling! And yet, to micro-manage is to stifle creativity. More than that, we risk disenfranchising members of our leadership team. And we risk losing the good will of our people. We know that’s not how people learn or […]
June 9, 2017

Effective Leaders can Translate Strategy Into Practice!

Research has shown that the biggest continuous challenge faced by CEOs is the ability to keep all plates spinning in the here and now, whilst planning for the future. And effective leaders know how to do that. Typically, leaders are better at one than the other. Those of you who’ve […]
June 2, 2017

Sustainable Success and Overnight Success a Contradiction in Terms!

Reaching the top in any field is a momentous achievement. And no doubt it involves working hard over a prolonged period of time. Sustainable success, on the other hand, is an entirely different proposition. Since Novak Djokovic finally won the French Open – becoming the only man to hold all […]
March 31, 2017

Competitive Advantage is Often Born out of Dysfunctionality!

We’re all looking for a competitive advantage; a condition that sets us apart from all the rest. And developing that from scratch in business is a tall ask. Even in the world of sport this concept is easier to adopt in some disciplines than in others. Take Dave Brailsford (British […]
December 15, 2016

How to Guarantee Unparalleled Business Success!

There are no guarantees for business success; we know this. And yet the thought piqued your interest just the same, did it not? Is that because the optimist in you can imagine the possibility? Of course, one of the great presuppositions of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) reminds us that ‘what’s […]
October 28, 2016

Physician, Heal Thyself. How’s That Working out for You?

Whenever I raise a question or express uncertainty in my own life, some friends (not all) will say “Well you should know, you’re the coach” – helpful, not. There seems to be an underlying assumption that my role is to listen and offer insight to their narrative; whereas, in my […]
September 13, 2015

3 Key Things a Great Leader Should Remember

When asked what I believed to be the three key things a great leader should remember, I took a moment to think about it. Arguably, I could have answered this student’s question in several different ways. Leadership is such a broad subject. And numerous definitions abound. So, I thought about […]
May 1, 2015

Ignorance Isn’t Bliss When You’re the CEO!

A quote from Dilbert’s CEO struck a chord and reminded me of some of the ‘real life’ characters I’ve worked with over the years: “I read a book about how to be a great leader, and realised I don’t do any of those things. I’m surprised that a book with […]
January 22, 2015

Executive Coach: A Source of Inspiration or Embarrassment?

We make life hard for ourselves in this country, with our ‘stiff upper lip’ approach to business. Your typical Managing Director will soldier on alone, thinking they are supposed to have all the answers and perceiving outside help as weak; whereas, they adopt a different attitude in the States. Regardless […]