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February 28, 2014

Practice what you Preach!

Like the Cobbler with no shoes, I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of imparting pearls of wisdom to others and ignoring our own advice. Well, today I’m making a point of practising what I preach and keeping this communication succinct! Here are five principles that if followed will get the […]
January 17, 2014

Not a Technophobe. I am Techno-Selective!

Chatting with a client this week who works in Higher Education, we got onto the subject of Social Media. He was commenting on how easy it is for people to get themselves into hot water when putting information out into the public domain. It prompted me to think about my […]
November 9, 2013

The Power of Collusion: When Naughty can be Nice!

What a thoroughly enjoyable experience it was to meet up with an old work colleague recently for a proper catch up.  The only sticking point was her choice of venue: Slattery’s – famous for its chocolate and uniquely designed cakes!  Nothing wrong with that necessarily, except we were both on […]