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October 20, 2016

Employee Behaviours That Leave you Aghast!

A friend, currently living in India, circulated a video of their gardener mowing the lawn. Rather than using a lawn mower (which I am reassured they do possess), he was trimming the grass on his hands and knees with a pair of pruning shears! Several thoughts popped into my head, […]
July 8, 2016

Let me Tell you a Secret…

A friend once said that a secret is something shared with one other person; and that comment has never left me. If, when we are told something in confidence, we share that information with our spouse, best friend or close work colleague and they do the same; pretty soon that […]
March 14, 2015

All Work and no Play? Who’s This Jack Character Anyway!

I used to joke about the number of times I’d miss out on a family function or a night out with friends on the basis that I still had work to do at the office. Let’s face it, when do we ever roll into work at 11am on a Monday […]