Employee Motivation

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August 4, 2017

CEOs and MDs Must Stay Prepared for Business Success!

Research has shown that, the biggest challenge CEOs and MDs will ever have, is to balance immediate priorities whilst planning for the future. The following quote from Littlefinger (Game of Thrones) captured my imagination in relation to this concept: “All our troubles will come to an end; or life will […]
May 25, 2017

The art of Collaborative Engagement

Collaborative engagement was at its best following the recent terrorist attack in Manchester. On a personal level I witnessed its power. The number of friends, colleagues and acquaintances who made enquiries as to my well-being; and that of loved ones was mind-blowing. One individual I had met only once before! […]
May 12, 2017

Start a Task and Lose Personal Motivation? Here’s how to Follow Through!

A perceived lack of time usually results in a lack of personal motivation. General ‘busyness’ stops us from getting things done; specifically those tasks that we see as important. Let’s take reading as a case in point. Indeed, there are a lot of leadership books in my office ‘library’. I […]
April 14, 2017

Inspiration Comes before Motivation. Leaders Inspire so Employees can Act!

We’re all looking for inspiration. The inspiration to grow, develop and break out of self-imposed restraints. When we’re inspired then we act. And that action is fuelled by self-motivation. Early on in my career as a General Manager I discovered that you can’t motivate people; not really. That’s why organisations […]
December 23, 2016

How A Well Formed Outcome Prevents Time Wasting!

One of the conditions of a well formed outcome is the locus of control. Does the person responsible for delivering on that outcome own it? And can they maintain it through to conclusion? More often than not, the answer to this question will pre-determine the way things turn out. So, […]
December 10, 2016

Why Meaningful Communication Shouldn’t Become a Thing of the Past…

Remember when writing to a pen friend was a common form of communication? My mum had a pen pal when we were growing up. She lived in Cambridge and once a year would come up to Manchester and stay with us for a week or so. I can still recall […]
March 18, 2016

Clear About the Company Culture? As MD You’re Under the Microscope!

Having worked for numerous CEOs and MDs in the past, I learned never to underestimate their role in shaping organisational culture; not least because people will fill in the blanks when left to their own devices. I witnessed the immense impact that a heart-felt congratulatory message could have on employee […]
October 24, 2015

Thank you for the Music. One Girl’s Legacy…

The lyrics of this Abba song express a young girl’s gratitude for all the music in the world. It allows her to showcase what she feels is her legacy: the ability to sing beautifully. It’s a simple statement. And it succinctly reflects her natural talent. If you’ve ever taken the […]
August 29, 2014

Need Motivation to Deliver on Your Goals? Here are 5 Steps to help you…

Have you ever had the motivation to go after something that seemed really important to you? And yet, for whatever reason you’ve not been able to deliver on it? That’s happened to me on several occasions over the years. And I know that can be frustrating; especially whilst you’re still […]
November 22, 2013

We’re Perfection in Progress. Pursue Excellence Instead!

Running two businesses and remaining relevant to both client groups requires continued effort. Adopting the view that I’m perfection in progress has been my salvation. Knowing when and from whom I inherited a perfectionist mindset helps. And knowing isn’t enough. We have to take action to adopt a new attitude. […]