Employee Engagement

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November 3, 2017

People not Meeting Expectation? Hold Yourself to Account!

Meeting expectation (or not) depends on multiple factors. It’s so much more involved than people simply doing what you ask them to do. Many highly accomplished business leaders shy away from making bold decisions when it comes to managing people. They communicate the standard and then allow people to fall […]
October 20, 2017

The art of Receiving Feedback

At some point in their career every people manager has learned the importance of giving and receiving feedback. It’s a critical skill for anyone needing to engage with and influence another to do a job for them. A coaching client once said “The boss wants me to speak up more […]
August 18, 2017

Why Instant Gratification is a Curse for Employers

Those of us with years of work experience under our belt are used to biding our time. We’re accustomed to waiting for clients to be ready, willing and able to work with us. We wait for cash to come into the bank. And we wait for people to deliver on […]
August 11, 2017

The Invaluable Nature of Executive Coaching

Through Executive Coaching I understand only too well the importance of having clarity about what you want; and an evidence base for success. Armed with that knowledge I’ve still made life hard for myself, on occasion! And I’ve moved on an aspiration without having all the ingredients in place that […]
August 2, 2017

Martin Ware’s Story – Business Coaching (2017)

I’ve come into business coaching with an open mind. I’ve tried to be brutally honest with you and with myself. Sometimes that’s been quite difficult. I’ve tried to think through some of the questions you’ve posed and that’s helped me to rationalise what it is I’ve been trying to deal […]
July 28, 2017

Simplify Business Goals and You’ll Have to Achieve Them!

In the past I have set some big, hairy, audacious business goals. Then I’ve freaked out! Unless and until I revisit the ‘why’ question I won’t have the motivation to implement the goal. And a lack of drive puts a damper on creativity. We need our creative juices to flow […]
May 25, 2017

The art of Collaborative Engagement

Collaborative engagement was at its best following the recent terrorist attack in Manchester. On a personal level I witnessed its power. The number of friends, colleagues and acquaintances who made enquiries as to my well-being; and that of loved ones was mind-blowing. One individual I had met only once before! […]
April 14, 2017

Inspiration Comes before Motivation. Leaders Inspire so Employees can Act!

We’re all looking for inspiration. The inspiration to grow, develop and break out of self-imposed restraints. When we’re inspired then we act. And that action is fuelled by self-motivation. Early on in my career as a General Manager I discovered that you can’t motivate people; not really. That’s why organisations […]
February 17, 2017

Need to Boost Retention of key Talent? Respect Their Aptitude!

Retention of key talent is a primary concern for organisations. It’s all well and good to focus your efforts on ‘star performers’. In addition, remember to include those ‘normal’ performers who are equally critical for the success of any change effort. We each have a natural propensity to perform well […]
January 13, 2017

Work-Life Balance in Need of Repair? Consistent Focus is Key!

The desire to achieve work-life balance is one we all share. Some are more successful at it than others. One of the reasons it eludes us is that work plays an important part in all our lives. It provides us with purpose, challenge, and an occupation. Furthermore, it puts bread […]
June 3, 2016

What Does Your Employee Retention Capability say About You?

Whilst many more people are branching out on their own; the majority continue to work for someone else. And that puts the responsibility for employee retention squarely on the employer’s shoulders. And as the business grows, it’s easy to lose sight of what the company is trying to achieve. This […]
November 16, 2013

Seeking Feedback Scary? There are Benefits too!

We have many opportunities for seeking feedback. Some present in the spur of the moment. At other times it may be the result of conscious effort. Whether we then take on board what we hear is a different matter. Our long-standing Christmas tradition is a case in point. Every family […]
May 6, 2013

Micro Meetings that Pack a Punch!

How often have you put off having team meetings because let’s face it, you have enough of them scheduled in your calendar already, most of which take up valuable time with very little output? Well, let me tell you about a client who has shaken things up a bit when […]