Coaching Mastery

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October 28, 2016

Physician, Heal Thyself. How’s That Working out for You?

Whenever I raise a question or express uncertainty in my own life, some friends (not all) will say “Well you should know, you’re the coach” – helpful, not. There seems to be an underlying assumption that my role is to listen and offer insight to their narrative; whereas, in my […]
March 25, 2016

Mindfulness or Mindlessness? They are two Sides of the Same Coin!

Does anyone remember Doodle Art? I had a fabulous one with a Greek Mythology theme when I was growing up. It was huge and took up half my bedroom wall. I used to love colouring in the different mythological creatures – often when I should have been revising – and […]
October 16, 2014

New England in The Fall: ‘Leaves’ A Different Impression!

Visiting Boston last week and taking a tour of New England enabled me to check off items that had been on my wish list for a long time. Finally making the time to go, it was different from my usual choice of holiday. Having identified my preferred itinerary in advance, […]