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July 29, 2016

Leadership Without Integrity? The Consequences can be Crippling!

Following the news surrounding Sir Philip Green – blamed for the collapse of BHS and the £570m deficit in its pension fund – I wonder how he was able to fool so many for so long. Perhaps he didn’t; maybe those who weren’t involved lacked the courage to speak out. […]
June 16, 2016

Recognise an Element of Complacency? Inspiration is a job That Never Ends!

From another room my friend could hear her husband at his computer, muttering under his breath “God, I’m good”. It was a statement he made frequently, when he was focused on his work and thought no-one was listening. Self-approval is something we should all experience; and it does no harm […]
March 27, 2015

Questioning Whether You’re Leadership Material? You Need to Care About People!

Sitting with a senior management team this week, we were talking about the relationship dynamics between certain individuals and the best way to address the impact that conflict was having on the organisation. Inevitably the conversation turned to leadership behaviours (or lack of them); the need to raise individual awareness […]
January 15, 2015

Are you Feeling Courageous? Time to Specialise and Let Go of the Rest!

As a Human Resources Director in a previous life, I was interested to read an article proposing that the HR department as we know it should be scrapped. The author’s suggestion is to split HR into two separate functions; one focused on administration and reporting to the Chief Financial Officer […]