Have you ever pushed really hard for something to find that what you want continues to allude you? That the more you push the greater the distance between your current position and the goal you are chasing? I’ve had plenty of times like that and I know it can be frustrating.
When we’re pushing down hard on the accelerator it tends to be a conscious and rational decision because we know what we want. What we may fail to recognise, in some situations, is that our other foot is slamming on the brakes.
So, what’s causing you to stall?
It may not be immediately obvious and you may feel that you don’t have time to reflect. However, taking action for the sake of it and trying to force the outcome rarely works. We simply end up tired and frustrated.
Counter-intuitive as this may sound, I’ve learned over the years that at times like this it is best to take both feet off the pedals and free-ride for a bit, without a set course, goals or rules. You might feel nervous at first because we like to be in control. Stick with it however and the uncertainty can become exhilarating.
So, let me ask you: “What are you forcing just now?”
Well, why not go with the flow and see where you end up. You may get exactly what you thought you wanted and you might get more than you bargained for. Perhaps it will come to you in a way you hadn’t expected. However it happens, it’s all good. You are no longer stalled and you have a result.
Happy free riding!