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May 29, 2015

Why all Businesses Need a Little Poetic Licence…

Alan Rickman is one of my favourite actors and it turns out he’s pretty good at directing too. His latest film, ‘A Little Chaos’ is fantastic: gripping, moving, both funny and sad in places; a thoroughly good watch and highly recommended. That is if, like me you allow yourself to […]
July 5, 2014

Capable of a Championship Performance? Consistency is Key!

Most businesses work hard in the early days to create a strong brand and it’s exciting when you hit on those factors that are unique to you. When we believe what we’re offering makes a difference, in part due to the distinctive way we’re delivering it, then positive results ensue […]
October 20, 2013

Who Wields the Branding Iron? It Should be You!

It’s interesting that as business professionals, we wouldn’t question the need for employers to develop a corporate identity and brand.  Most of us recognise the importance of having a shop window and unless you work for a high street retailer that’s usually a website. As customers we want to browse […]
July 15, 2012

Competition, What Competition? How to make an Impact and Eradicate your Competition in the process

There are a lot of people out there who share your job title; working for organisations that are selling similar products and services. What they don’t have is YOU and your unique way of doing things. So, what can you do to make an impact and eradicate your competition in […]