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September 15, 2017

Beware Infinite Patience Masquerading as Long-Term Strategy!

A lack of patience was one of my shortcomings when in salaried employment. Now, as CEO and business owner, that impatience for results is a prerequisite of the job. Nevertheless, infinite patience and utter impatience both have implications for long-term strategy. Also, they undermine corporate performance. Patience is a virtue. […]
July 28, 2017

Simplify Business Goals and You’ll Have to Achieve Them!

In the past I have set some big, hairy, audacious business goals. Then I’ve freaked out! Unless and until I revisit the ‘why’ question I won’t have the motivation to implement the goal. And a lack of drive puts a damper on creativity. We need our creative juices to flow […]
December 10, 2016

Why Meaningful Communication Shouldn’t Become a Thing of the Past…

Remember when writing to a pen friend was a common form of communication? My mum had a pen pal when we were growing up. She lived in Cambridge and once a year would come up to Manchester and stay with us for a week or so. I can still recall […]
August 5, 2016

Under the Cosh and not Feeling Creative? Make it Routine!

For a long time I’ve resisted being told (by me) how and when I should tackle certain aspects of my work – mostly writing or product design which require creative thought. My belief is that I’ll always feel like doing something on any given day; and so all my projects […]
March 25, 2016

Mindfulness or Mindlessness? They are two Sides of the Same Coin!

Does anyone remember Doodle Art? I had a fabulous one with a Greek Mythology theme when I was growing up. It was huge and took up half my bedroom wall. I used to love colouring in the different mythological creatures – often when I should have been revising – and […]
February 5, 2016

Have a lot of Open-ended Projects? Time to Close the Circle!

Developing a product or service, or simply starting something new requires a lot of our time and energy. There are deadlines to be met (self-imposed or otherwise) and most everything else ends up on the back burner. What typically happens is that we work flat out to complete the assignment […]
December 25, 2015

A Creative Call to Action…

I love the creativity of this advertising board sat outside the venue for a recent Christmas party. It portrayed a light-hearted call to action: “Come in, buy our wine and drink at the bar.” By its very nature advertising is designed to draw us in, hoping we will feel compelled […]
October 10, 2015

Time is Precious so why do we Abuse it?

Spending time at a friend’s house one Saturday afternoon, their seven year old daughter was waiting for her father to take her to a birthday party. He was doing his emails and kept putting her off with “Another five minutes honey and I’ll be done”. The party started at 2pm […]
September 25, 2015

Suffering With Piles? It’s Time to get Organised!

Having spent much of the past week designing a new product I’ve been mindful of all those smaller jobs winking at me from the sidelines. When I look closer I can see that all the important tasks have been completed; it’s mostly the follow up actions and administrative elements that […]
April 9, 2015

Want to Engender Trust? Then you Must Show Consistency!

A colleague recently gave me a book to read; a book given to him by a professional who operates in the same industry I do. He knows I’m interested in what others in my field are talking about. More than that I’m curious about the author and wonder what story […]
January 9, 2015

Don’t Tell me on a Sunday…

A colleague commented to me that I’m untypical of other business owners they know in my ability to switch off from work, whether that’s at the weekend or whilst on holiday. We were talking about email marketing and the fact that I dislike it landing in my mailbox at all […]
October 24, 2014

Do you Swing with the Pendulum of Fashion? A Little Moderation goes a long way!

Whenever I’ve wanted to get to grips with an extreme behaviour, such as over-working (well I was ‘diagnosed’ as a ‘Responsible Workaholic’ after all), I’ve noticed that at some point my behaviour swings the other way entirely before finding a middle ground. Take running for example – I like to […]
October 16, 2014

New England in The Fall: ‘Leaves’ A Different Impression!

Visiting Boston last week and taking a tour of New England enabled me to check off items that had been on my wish list for a long time. Finally making the time to go, it was different from my usual choice of holiday. Having identified my preferred itinerary in advance, […]
July 10, 2014

When Having it All CAN be a Good Thing!

I recently read an article, discussing why people boast about being too busy, as though it’s some kind of code for being successful and important. I was happily following the author’s logic until he said the notion of ‘having it all’ is overvalued. Wait a minute; what’s wrong with wanting […]
April 12, 2014

Balance, what Balance? I’m a Workaholic!

Working with numerous clients across a variety of industries over the years, it strikes me that most, if not all are looking for some kind of work / life balance. It’s easy to assume that means working fewer hours and spending more time with the family; and maybe that’s true […]