Business Improvement

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December 2, 2017

Want to Improve Productivity? Learn to Live for the Present!

Did somebody mention presents? This is the time of year with an emphasis on giving to others. Why not adapt that mindset for yourself too? Perhaps the greatest gift you can give yourself this Christmas is to learn to live in the moment. And to fully immerse yourself in the […]
October 7, 2017

Changing the Perception of Human Resources

To some businesses Human Resources is a necessary evil. In a previous role I took on the challenge, as Human Resources Director, to change that perception. I fulfilled my objective of showing the Executive Board that Human Resources is a value-add function. The clue is in the name. The function […]
July 21, 2017

Improving Performance Depends More on People Than Process

Improving performance is always high on the agenda; whether I’m in discussions as the client or the provider. And one thing has become patently clear to me. People have to come before process. I recall one supplier who would routinely bombard me with ideas as to how I could promote […]
March 31, 2017

Competitive Advantage is Often Born out of Dysfunctionality!

We’re all looking for a competitive advantage; a condition that sets us apart from all the rest. And developing that from scratch in business is a tall ask. Even in the world of sport this concept is easier to adopt in some disciplines than in others. Take Dave Brailsford (British […]
February 17, 2017

Need to Boost Retention of key Talent? Respect Their Aptitude!

Retention of key talent is a primary concern for organisations. It’s all well and good to focus your efforts on ‘star performers’. In addition, remember to include those ‘normal’ performers who are equally critical for the success of any change effort. We each have a natural propensity to perform well […]
January 13, 2017

Work-Life Balance in Need of Repair? Consistent Focus is Key!

The desire to achieve work-life balance is one we all share. Some are more successful at it than others. One of the reasons it eludes us is that work plays an important part in all our lives. It provides us with purpose, challenge, and an occupation. Furthermore, it puts bread […]
December 30, 2016

Can Micro Breaks Increase Productivity? Only if you use Them Wisely!

Want to increase productivity at work? Frustrated that tasks always take longer than you anticipate? Disappointed that your people dwell on jobs much longer than you would like? Well, the answer may lie in our approach to coffee breaks. Whether it’s beneficial to take them at all is in question; […]
December 23, 2016

How A Well Formed Outcome Prevents Time Wasting!

One of the conditions of a well formed outcome is the locus of control. Does the person responsible for delivering on that outcome own it? And can they maintain it through to conclusion? More often than not, the answer to this question will pre-determine the way things turn out. So, […]
September 29, 2016

Alignment and Autonomy – a Contradiction in Terms?

Birds do it; fish do it; most companies wish they could do it. Let’s do it, let’s find a way… …to achieve both alignment and autonomy in the workplace. Birds do it through team work and co-ordination. Each bird is able to act independently whilst ensuring the group behaves cohesively; […]
September 2, 2016

Want to Foster Higher Performance? You Need to Show Your Support!

Sitting across from an employee, clearly distressed by the notion that his job was at risk, he exclaimed “Why are you being confrontational?” Shocked by his response I explained that by giving him all the facts I was supporting him in making an informed choice about the best way to […]
July 22, 2016

We Were all the Future Once…

A phrase used by David Cameron, ex Prime Minister to describe himself; and an example of how we can set off on a career path, with conviction and good intentions and still come a cropper! It’s notable that the things we resolve to change are generally the systematic failures. And […]
July 8, 2016

Let me Tell you a Secret…

A friend once said that a secret is something shared with one other person; and that comment has never left me. If, when we are told something in confidence, we share that information with our spouse, best friend or close work colleague and they do the same; pretty soon that […]
June 24, 2016

Made Your Decision? Show me the Evidence!

There was much debate amongst family and friends about the recent EU Referendum and sharing of third party conversations. What struck me was the number of random reasons people were using to justify their decision about which way to vote. Some of the logic I heard included voting ‘remain’ to […]
February 11, 2016

How Romance at Work can Promote Employee Engagement!

We spend the majority of our waking hours on the job. So we don’t want simply to earn a good wage; we’re also looking for employee engagement. That’s right. Just because we occupy a senior position in the organisation doesn’t negate our need to make a recognised contribution. Here are […]
January 15, 2016

A Prophet is Never Recognised in Their own Country!

We make far too many assumptions about how our conversations are received (and processed); and we take it for granted that people ‘get the message’ when the reality is most people don’t – or they take away one we hadn’t intended. For example, if our customers don’t know the full […]