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November 13, 2014

Want to Know How to Fight The Recency Effect? Become an Optimist!

Driving up to Scotland for a business meeting last week I was struck by the number of Lorries on the motorway. Then it occurred to me there were probably no more than usual. My attention was drawn to them because it was raining heavily during periods of my journey and […]
November 6, 2014

Want to Thrive in Management? Take an Interest in People!

It’s amazing the number of business professionals I come across who occupy management roles and don’t enjoy the responsibility for people that comes with it. I hear comments like ‘they take me away from my day job’ or ‘I have to sit down with them for 2 hours just to do their […]
October 24, 2014

Do you Swing with the Pendulum of Fashion? A Little Moderation goes a long way!

Whenever I’ve wanted to get to grips with an extreme behaviour, such as over-working (well I was ‘diagnosed’ as a ‘Responsible Workaholic’ after all), I’ve noticed that at some point my behaviour swings the other way entirely before finding a middle ground. Take running for example – I like to […]
October 16, 2014

New England in The Fall: ‘Leaves’ A Different Impression!

Visiting Boston last week and taking a tour of New England enabled me to check off items that had been on my wish list for a long time. Finally making the time to go, it was different from my usual choice of holiday. Having identified my preferred itinerary in advance, […]
October 9, 2014

Carol Sheard’s Story – I.N.S.P.I.R.I.N.G Seminar (2014)

Leadership Seminars with a difference… “Robyn’s I.N.S.P.I.R.I.N.G seminar was something quite different to your usual development sessions, with a tangible return on investment. Furthermore, the format and approach meant I was able to focus on the areas that resonated with me as an individual.” Personally, I found value in the […]
October 1, 2014

Haven’t Refreshed Yourself Lately? Beware Your Expiry Date!

In my retail career with Habitat, when I was putting in long shifts and sleeping on those rare days off, I made little time to plan what I was going to eat, let alone do a proper shop. So, when I did make the effort to go to the supermarket […]
September 26, 2014

Micro-Ambitious? Turn your Dreams into Goals!

There’s an expression I like which is that ‘Goals are dreams with legs’. When I hear it I imagine taking something passive (an idea, a thought, an image) and turning it into something active which gathers pace and builds momentum as you move energetically towards your intended outcome. Let’s be […]
September 19, 2014

A Tough Paper Round (Revisited)

An expression one of my old tutors used when describing students who had experienced troubled childhoods. Also the title of my first blog back in 2009. I know; whilst I established Robertson Fox 3 years earlier it took me a while to warm up to blogging! The first few attempts […]
September 13, 2014

Reward & Punishment: A Good Approach for Getting Results?

Overweight children are being paid gold to lose weight if they live in Dubai; so I’ve read. Apparently, they have one of the worst child obesity rates in the world. To combat the problem, its rulers are offering parents 2g of gold (worth around £55) for every kilo their children […]
September 5, 2014

Not Born with Creative Flair? You’re more Innovative Than You Think!

Numerous clients have commented to me that they don’t see themselves as creative. They say they’re not good at coming up with ideas; rather they’re better able to run with an idea and develop it into a practical output. Personally, I think those individuals are selling themselves short. In reality, […]
August 29, 2014

Helen Broughton’s Story – Executive Coach: Individual & Team (2014)

“Being co-founder and Director of a successful business is both challenging and invigorating. You mentor and develop those you manage but who does the same for you and your senior team? That is why we started working with Robyn.” It’s the whole piece. She is not coming in to fix […]
August 29, 2014

Need Motivation to Deliver on Your Goals? Here are 5 Steps to help you…

Have you ever had the motivation to go after something that seemed really important to you? And yet, for whatever reason you’ve not been able to deliver on it? That’s happened to me on several occasions over the years. And I know that can be frustrating; especially whilst you’re still […]
August 15, 2014

Want To Succeed Long-Term? Replication is the Mother of Skill!

Before undertaking strenuous exercise it is advisable to warm up first; so we are told by experts in the fitness industry. They give us many good reasons why we should take the time, including mental and physical preparation for the workout ahead. Priming mind and body to be ready for […]
August 8, 2014

Anyone for Cricket? Forget the Sport and Build on Your Relationships!

A colleague recently commented that it’s the people you’re with, rather than the activity you’re engaged in, that’s important. This statement came back to me yesterday whilst I was spending the day with friends at Old Trafford. Now Cricket isn’t a sport I particularly enjoy and you certainly wouldn’t find […]
July 31, 2014

When Compulsion Blowout is Just the Ticket!

 Before I set up Robertson Fox in 2006, I decided to take an NLP Practitioner course (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) as I’d heard that some of the concepts could be applied usefully in business. Some of the outcomes I went in with had radically morphed by the time I completed the programme; […]