Balance, what Balance? I’m a Workaholic!

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Balance, what Balance? I’m a Workaholic!

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Working with numerous clients across a variety of industries over the years, it strikes me that most, if not all are looking for some kind of work / life balance. It’s easy to assume that means working fewer hours and spending more time with the family; and maybe that’s true for you. However, I believe there’s more to it than that.

We all want to do a good job and to feel like we’ve made a contribution; to the Team, to the Company and to the World at large. The trouble is that it’s easy to be distracted by the day-to-day; to get bogged down in the detail and lose sight of the wider goal.

I once heard someone say “I wanted to change the world but I couldn’t find a babysitter!”

Possibly a sentiment you share? You know, making a contribution isn’t always about the hours we put in whilst sat at our desks. Often, the best ideas come to mind whilst having fun with the kids. Running outdoors and exercising in the local park does that for me.

What I do know for sure is that being task-focused can take away the buzz that comes with goal achievement. Try focusing on the experience instead as that allows you to engage with the work you want to deliver as well as with the people willing to support you.

Remember, if you’re serious about achieving your perfect balance, that will involve letting go of the ‘to do list’ and embracing your grander purpose and mission. Why, because that’s what will allow the balance to shift and move you on your way.

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Robyn Robertson

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